4 Advantages of Community College
If glamor is what you’re going for, attending a community college may not be something you or your student may have considered. After all, the prospect of leaving home, traveling and attending a well-known school is exciting - it’s a dream come true for your student!
Before you totally dismiss the possibility of a local college, consider its benefits – you might be surprised at the list of gains that can have a positive long-term impact on your student’s life.
Community college is a great place to start taking core classes without declaring or deciding on a major. Your student can simultaneously dabble with classes and shadow careers that spark their interest to determine if it’s something they want to consider long-term. This will save your student both time and money as well as give them the peace of mind to explore options with no pressure.
No or low funds?
University education is expensive! Community college can reduce the overall expense incurred in the process of getting a degree. Have you thought about whether you want your student to begin his or her career and adult life with a large loan? Students don’t understand the long-term impact a loan has on their life. Everyone ‘does it’ attitude can cost your student an incredible amount of financial as well as emotional strain for years after graduation. Your high school student is still young and has limited capacity to comprehend the ramifications of a loan on their adult life. Parents need to look into, and present all cost reduction options to their student and help them map the best way to obtain their dream career. Community colleges are publically funded designed to make college-level classes affordable and accessible to everyone. Students can attend, work and save for higher education at a university after they earn their associate’s degree.
Hands-on or Visual Learner?
Sometimes the best option for strong hands-on learners is to enroll in a tech schools to receive hands-on professional training and certifications in a wide range of fields. Additionally tech schools are worth considering since many hands- on employers now offer incentives like tuition help and placement with great pay to help with the shortage of qualified and trained people needed in the work force. Some kids are just hard-wired to learn by doing – plain and simple. It doesn’t mean they’re not smart - it just means that they have a high ‘Bodily Kinesthetic’ IQ so they learn best by doing. If you want your hands-on learner to enjoy learning and be happy, this is your best option. Sometimes, I recommend reversing the process by asking students to enroll in a hands-on program first, gain practical knowledge, and then apply for a degree in that field. This approach increases confidence and gives them the motivation to endure ‘traditional classroom’ learning.
Low GPA or SAT/ACT score?
Community college is an opportunity to improve your grades, critical thinking and writing skills. These improved skills can increase a student’s chance to be accepted at a university that wasn’t even a possibility while in high school because of poor scores. Keep in mind that one of the reasons college drop out rates are high is because students are not academically prepared for the rigorous pace and expectations the university puts on them. Attending a community college can improve skills and decrease the possibility of your student dropping out of university before they get a degree. As a word of caution, make sure you understand how the transfer admissions process works before you enroll in a local college if your student already has a university in mind.
We yearn for our kids to have a clear path to a fulfilling career so they can be happy. That road doesn’t always fit the traditional narrative of working hard and being accepted to a dream school. It is often paved with surprises, unexpected turns, and road blocks. It’s never too early to start investigating all the potential paths your student can take and weigh them against a list of pros and cons. Consider adding community college to that list. It might just be what your student needs to help him or her find their purpose and jumpstart pathways to successful career.
Does your student need help discovering best career choices and where to attend? Contact Kal today.